Mommy Martyr - I - Am

Friday, June 5, 2009

2 Extra Cranky Kids...TO GO, Please !!

Why haven't there been any advances in technology to decipher a baby’s cry? It’s all a guessing game even when it’s baby #2. Up until yesterday, I used to tell people that my baby is not fussy at all as long as he is fed and changed but that all changed overnight (literally !). He had been cranky since yesterday afternoon and I thought surely he would sleep through the night because he didn’t sleep much during the day. How could I have been ever SO wrong ?!? Wouldn’t it be just nice for babies to lay around and just let us know ever so gently that they are hungry or their diaper needs changing? But of course NOT ! That would just make this mom a little sane, wouldn’t it? And that can’t be !

It was raining in the night and my toddler got scared and he walked into my room carrying ALL of his stuffed animals at 3 AM. I don’t know how he opened the doors carrying all these toys. So, there I am lying in bed and trying not to fall out of bed with a toddler, infant and 4 stuffed animals (An octopus, a frog, a penguin and a car) – and I don’t have a king size bed either (I really wished I had one though).

So, I’m “trying” to sleep and WHAM ! I just got kicked in my tummy by my infant and I see that he is lying perpendicular to the bed. So, I slide him back in position and close my eyes again. Not too long after I hear the little one crying and what do I see? My toddler is now perpendicular to the bed and is comfortably using my infant as an ottoman !! AGAIN, I try to sleep after repositioning the kids. But of course that didn’t last long. I hear a whiny ‘mama’ call from my toddler for some water – at first I thought I was dreaming, but then I realized that in order to dream, you actually have to sleep :-\

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