Mommy Martyr - I - Am

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Little smiles . . . Big Impact

How is it possible that a small person's smile can have such a big impact on us? When I see my kids smile at me, I’m so intoxicated by it. I could be having the worst day of the week and just seeing the smiles makes me feel all better. How can just a smile cheer up your whole day? It’s like a drug to cure any problem.

What is it about a child’s smile that’s so endearing to us? Is it their innocence or the purity of their heart? When a child smiles at you, you never have to second guess their intentions; you know that they are smiling at you for the right reasons. And the babies that can talk, it is so amazing that they are able to feel you and say the right things. If I’m not having a good day, my toddler can sense that and he would do funny dances and acts to make me smile. And If I pretend to be sad, he gives me company to be sad (he usually says “Ashwyn sad too”).

As we grow up, these smiles get less noticeable. When I’m out with the kids, strangers are always smiling and talking to them. But, if I’m out by myself, I notice less of these smiles and sometimes even when I give someone a smile, I don’t always get one in return. Could this be because adults smile at each other with different intentions or they don’t really intend to smile but do anyways just to be polite? The innocence years…how blissful are those! :)

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